we will celebrate our 20th season on 27th april
It’s true!!!! This April, Eolis will be celebarting 20 years of “Stories”.
In 2004, we decided that a Kitesurf and Windsurf school made all the sense for Cabanas de Tavira.
As a teenager I learnt how to Windsurf here in “our” Ria in Cabanas with my uncle and “João”, a german friend that still leaves around Conceição de Tavira. Thanks to them, I understood how happy I was to , how good it made me feel…
Sooner then later I also started to teach friends and family in how to Windsurf… sharing with them the feeling and the joy of sailling in a Windsurf board.
Then, in one of Life’s twits, I decided to turn myself again to the Ria Formosa and accept the challenge to share my knowledge of Windsurf and Kitesurf (which had surprised me in 2003)with guests making that my NEW LIFE. That was in 2004. That has been these last 20 years.
In one more twist of Life, we want to celebrate friendships, well-being, achievements, wonders and the beauty of Nature sports. It will be on the 27th April. We wish that E-TEAM can once again get together for a handfull of smiles and hugs.
See you soon!
I am in to join
Excellent Otto!!!!! ;))))
Conta comigo também Sandra! Será um privilégio celebrar o teu sucesso e o exemplo que representas!! ??
Muito Obrigada Sylvie!! Mas, a Eolis não a construi sozinha :)) Há os de sempre, nomeadamente o Lucky e o Salsa e há uma enormidade de outr@s!!
Augusto Terra
Q Massa Sandra! Parabéns pelo trabalho incansável de superar as expectativas dos clientes! Abraços Fortes
Olá Augusto!!! Como estás?? Long time no see :)))
Viste o Wall of Fame, na página: about us/E-team? Também estás lá a dar uma das primeiras aulas de sempre da Eolis :))))
Se estivers por Portugal, aparece…há-de ser um sábado 😉
Juan Ruiz Enriquez
Cuanto me alegro de todos tus logros…
Cuenta conmigo para lo que necesites amiga
Muchíssimas gracias amigo!!!!
Será um sábado, ya te digo quando lo sepa.
I will be very glad to join as well!
Thank you so much also Klaus 🙂
See you soon!!!
Anki Bolle
We’ll be there! ❤️
Excellent!! It will be a nice party full of friends 🙂