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Kitesurf Rentals


Kitesurf Rentals

From the moment you are already riding both ways independently and staying upwind, you can rent gear with us (we use Ozone gear by the way)..
If you are not yet there, to rent is adding unecessairy risk to a moment that should be all about fun and excitement. So, please be safe, honest, friendly and wise.

If we feel you are putting yourself and others in danger, we will have to ask you to stop your session.

Our spot is super safe, no RIP currents, no rocks or dangerous animals in the water, normally no waves and side-onshore super steady wind. Be sure to comply with the right of way rules and be sure to “play safe”.

When you are renting with us we will always keep an eye out for you but please note that if you damage the kite or the board that you are using, it will have an extra cost of 50€.

To get to our spot on the beach, you should get to the boats to go across to the island (close to our shop/office) and then in the island, walk towards the East (left facing the sea).
We advise you to bring: Water, food snacks, fruit, a towel and bathing suit.
On the beach there are no cash machines so you can pay per MBWAY, REVOLUT or cash.

Kitesurf Rentals

*See at Youtube at 1080p HD

kitesurf Rentals pricing

  • Pack of 3 Rentals
  • 150
    3 Afternoons
  • Kite+Board
  • Pack of 3 Rentals Full Gear
  • 210
    3 Afternoons
  • Kite+Board

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Our Amazing Spot


We will make it happen.

You only have to dream it.

+351962337285 Av. Ria Formosa 8C.C. Loja 34 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira
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